Howto install Curl3 and Curl4 parallel on a Linux System (Ubuntu-19.04)

This is the Way if you need to install Curl3 and curl4 at the same time on a Ubuntu Linux system.

At the moment it is not possible to install curl3+curl4 parallel on a Ubuntu system, so i got that hint to install a package which have both builds inside.

This package: libcurl4 supports both libcurl3 and libcurl4 API. This Build comes from: this Git Repo:

Adding the Package to your system like this:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:xapienz/curl34
sudo apt update
sudo apt install libcurl4

After this it is possible to use both, therefore it works for me on Ubuntu 19.04 LTS and also 18.x . So now i could use the very old BOINC Package again,.

Finally I know it is not the normal way to do, but i needed to have both curl versions working on my system.

But always take care to what you are doing on your system. So it is on your own risk to do that.

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